Tag Archive

Jones Act

US Cabotage Laws and Alaska’ LNG Trade

US Cabotage Laws and Alaska’s LNG Trade

Love it or hate it, the Jones Act is the single most important piece of US maritime legislation to date. It provides many Alaskan fishermen with jobs on the water, delivers significant employment benefits to injured mariners, and protects Alaskan seaman from the vicissitudes of foreign flagged jurisdictions by limiting US trade to US owned […]
Using Bareboat Charters to Expand Fishing Fleets

Using Bareboat Charters to Expand Fishing Fleets

After a wintery reprieve, this year’s fishing season began in earnest – and not a moment too soon for most of us. Already geared up for the fishing season, some vessel owners may wish to expand their fleets and businesses this year. Yet, finding and accessing cheap capital to build or buy a boat is […]
What you need to know about bareboat charters

Bareboat Charters – What you need to know

Introduction Well, it’s that time of year again—fishing season. After months off in a wintery reprieve, it’s time to get back to work and go fishing—and not a moment too soon. Many vessel owners might have had an eye for expansion this season. Perhaps they are looking to build new boat or one of their […]
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