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What Duties Does A Marine Lender Owe In The Sale Of A Repossessed Vessel Under UCC §9-610?

This article is the third of our three-part series on Uniform Commercial Code (“UCC”) sections 9-207 and 9-610. These model code provisions govern the duties associated with the preservation and disposition of secured collateral. In the following article we address the duties of a marine lender associated with the marketing and sale of repossessed vessels.  […]

What Duties Does A Marine Lender Owe In The Care of A Repossessed Vessel Under UCC §9-207?

This article is the second of our three-part series on Uniform Commercial Code (“UCC”) sections 9-207 and 9-610. Those model code provisions govern the duties associated with the preservation and disposition of secured collateral. In the following article we address the duty of reasonable care and preservation as it applies to lenders who have repossessed […]

Navigating the Unmarked Hazards for Marine Lenders in Non-Judicial Foreclosure of Preferred Ship Mortgages

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” William Arthur Ward Ward’s descriptions of the pessimist, the optimist and the realist apply handily to those parties involved in the foreclosure of a ship mortgage. It was, after all, the optimism of the borrower that led him […]
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